Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving (and Halloween too)

Pilgrim flirting with scarecrow:
Kids with knives. All kinds of fun.
The troops trick-or-treating:
No children dressed as lions were harmed in the making of this photo:
Cinderella and the fairy godmother:
The zombie (he's utterly obsessed with zombies---he wrote a parody of "Birdhouse in Your Soul" called "Zombie Eats Your Brain" or something):
It's been a wonderful fall. I'm thankful.

On the review blog: Free Dance Lessons
It's not your birthday, and it's not Valentine's day, but I want to say something to you. Maybe this is something I should just write in a letter to you, but I guess I want to shout to the world how I feel about you, and this is the closest I can get. I'm thinking of that line I told you about from War and Peace, "My dear fellow, one can't everywhere and at all times say all one thinks." This is the crux of it. I believe we all long to do just that. We want someone to know us, to listen to all we have to say. Usually Andrei is right though; we can't say all we think. But I have you. And with you, I can. And I do. If ever a profound thought manages to fight its way into my head, you hear about it. And all those trivial, banal things that I think about, you hear about those too. I have no filter with you. With you, I can explore all of myself, body and soul, and you help me do so. I hope I do the same for you. Thank you for knowing who I am.