I've been making a couple of small efforts to get Jasper interested in solid food, but he hasn't yet caught the vision. As far as the sweet potatoes went, he did at least go from a look of utter horror and disgust to sort of nonchalance. He's also getting better at sitting, though he still topples.
A long time ago I got tagged, so I'm finally answering that. I got the answers for this from Bennett, who is now officially in kindergarten! Here he is standing in front of his classroom.
A: Don't get into stuff.
(I had hoped for "I love you" or something, but there you go.)
2. Q: What makes Mom happy?
A: When I give her hugs.
3. Q: What makes Mom sad?
A: When I get into things that I shouldn't.
4. Q: How does Mom make you laugh?
A: When she does this. (He wiggled his fingers, stuck out his tongue, and said, "Blublubluh"---I wasn't aware that I did much of that, but I suppose I should because, apparently, it makes Bennett laugh.)
5. Q: How old is Mom?
A: I don't know. Give me a clue.
6. Q: How tall is Mom?
A: Seventy-six. (Feet, inches, or centimeters---he's off.)
7. Q: What does Mom like to do?
A: Have fun with me.
8. Q: What is Mom's job?
A: To take care of me.
9. Q: What is Mom's favorite food?
A: Broccoli. (You can guess that I've tried to get him to eat broccoli on occasion.)
10. Q: How do you know Mom loves you?
A: She gives me cereal straws. (This is why you only let your kids watch PBS---no commercials. He saw a commercial for cereal straws, and now he's obsessed with them.)
I'm gonna do kind of a cop-out and just tag anyone who wants to do this.
Okay, another Bennettism:
"Mommy, Daddy has a step-mom, but she's not evil, so he's not a princess."
And here are a couple of things he learned at school today:
"Mommy, we all have buckets full of good feelings, but we can't see them because they're invisible, and when someone's mean, it makes you spill your good feelings."
"If you get four checks by your name, you have to go to the principal." Thankfully, he hasn't yet had the experience for himself.
And here's a Laraine-ism:
Dan was throwing Laraine in the air. He told her, "One more time."
She answered, "Okay, one more time first. Then I say, 'More!'"
You know I have to do it---today's review is Breaking Dawn. Just so it's clear what kind of a review this will be, I should say that Stephenie Meyer deserves every penny I've spent on her mediocre literature, because I haven't had so much fun ripping on something since Star Wars Episode One:The Phantom Menace. That being said, if you love these Twilight books with your whole soul and will take personal offense at a negative review, don't read mine. I know some mindless escapist reading can be fun, and I can't claim to have found no enjoyment in reading Breaking Dawn.