Friday, February 12, 2010

If You Need Help Parenting, I Know a Guy

Me: Bennett, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten so mad.

Bennett: Well, I teach a Good Parent class, and I don't have any students, so you can come to my class.

On the review blog: 40 Years of Sunny Days


shaunita said...

I need to take that class. What are his rates?

Stefani B. said... are so forgiving.

Shannon said...

LOL He'd probably teach it a lot better than several parenting teachers I know. Funny little guy!

Perry Family said...

oh my, what a comedian!!! seriously, that's too witty of a come back for such a small fry!!!

Christene said...

I wonder why his enrollment is so low....they always give little credence to the young teachers, you know? I hope he remembers his best points when he's a parent. Heaven knows I was a much better parent before I became one. :)