Friday, January 22, 2010

Fa-la la la la-la la-la la (Yeah, I know , it was a month ago, but I'm helping you keep Christmas with you all through the year.)

Today I've fished a tea set out of the trash, and I've fished trash out of the toilet twice. Once it had been thrown in along with Laraine's unflushed #2, so that was extra pleasant. Still, I thank you, Jasper, for not flushing the trash, at least I hope you haven't. I don't have a good segue, but pictures from the past month follow.

Here are the kids and our little tree. This way, Jasper had a harder time reaching it to destroy it. Also, it was cold and rainy and I just wanted to cut one down and go home.
It snowed. Jasper was confused.

Bennett was ecstatic.
Laraine thought it was pretty cool too. Okay, this isn't a picture of her on the snowy day, but she pretty much looked like this. Only with snow around.
Christmas! It was a grand time, and I disagree with all y'all and your "we shouldn't load kids with presents, three presents were good enough for Jesus" (one WAS gold and the other two were also pretty pricey, by the way) ideas. I remember Christmas being magic and exciting and waiting for a slew of toys such as was never seen on any other day, and I don't think it diminished the spiritual nature of it for me either. My dad was a teacher with five kids, but Mom and Dad, thanks for managing those magical Christmases. That being said, all y'all are probably right, and I spent more than I had on Christmas presents this year, so maybe you've got a good point, but what can I say? I'm materialistic.

New Years Eve. 11:45 p.m.

On the review blog: My Little Pony


Stefani B. said...

I love Laraine's hair. It looks great. I go over-board on Christmas too. This year we did cut back quite a bit though. Mostly it's because I don't want all the crap around my house. I've gotten better at knowing what the kids will ACTUALLY play with. The stuff I know they will play with once and then make me store I don't bother with anymore. I had you in mind when BOTH my girls got their own my generation horse this year. They are huge, and never get played with..but they both wanted them. It would have been nice to make them share, but then I remembered Jj and spent the extra 26 bucks!

Jamie said...

I love your comment on Christmas being magical and having loads of presents. Hee hee. I love Christmas!

shaunita said...

Ha Ha! way to celebrate the magic of Christmas. My kids are probably going to suffer long-term distress due to my determination to simplify Christmas, but--if it weren't for that, it'd be for something else. Oh well!

Perry Family said...

I guess I'm materialistic then too, because I love to give my kids as much as I can still modestly afford to give them on Christmas....even if that means Mark and I don't give to each other quite in the same way. Its definitely more fun to watch them open their presents and play with them. I would love to give lots to Mark but he doesn't give me the same reaction the kids do!! :)

Unknown said...

Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas. I'd like to say I stuck with the whole 3 gifts thing, but I never do. I've tried for 3 years I must be materialistic too. Maybe I should just come to terms with that and get on with my life:).

Christene said...

My favorites are the picture of Jasper in the snow and your comment on him being confused. So funny! And then Laraine with her gear but no snow. Thanks for giving us a chance to use our imagination. We need it. I'm so borderline on the gifts for Christmas. I love the magic and wonder. I think its so special for them to enjoy it while they can still believe. Just so you know, I laughed out loud more than once when I looked at this post. So fun!